Test Regulations for the International Münsterländer Test – Elite (IMP-A)
Variation A
Test Regulations, IMP-A, September 25, 2016
- As of July 4, 2011, with amendments from September 15, 2012
- adopted by the meeting of the General Assembly on September 30, 2012,
- with amendments on February 2, 2014 and August 21, 2014,
- adopted by the meeting of the General Assembly on October 19, 2014
- and editorial amendments from September 14, 2015,
- adopted by the General Assembly on September 25, 2016
1. Purpose of the test
This performance hunt test for Kleine Münsterländer hunting dogs, whose purpose is to determine breeding potential, encompasses the work of a versatile dog in the broadest sense of the word, i.e. work in the field, water and forest. The test activities should reflect our image of a real hunting dog. If possible, live game will be shot in the field and during the water work. The International Münsterländer Test Variation A (Elite) is a breed test at the elite level. This means that passing the International Münsterländer Test fulfills the requirements for use in international breeding. Still, each country must decide whether this is possible. The goal is to accelerate breeding across borders and strengthen performance. In this way, the performance profile of the KlM breed shall be strengthened and secured over the long term.
2. Organization of the test
- The organizer of the IMP is KlM-International. The organization of the test will be assigned to a national member club, which assumes leadership of the test together with KlM-I.
- An IMP may be held only in the Fall. As a rule, a two-day event must be organized. During this time an international breed show must be offered.
- The number of dogs admitted to the test, the organization of the test subjects and the execution of the test will be jointly determined by the organizers.
- Hunting dogs of the KlM breed are admitted:
- For which national breeding approval already exists
- Which are not older than 48 months
- Which have an F.C.I.pedigree
- Whose handler belongs to a KlM-I member club
- The organizers decide about exceptions
- It is the choice of the host together with the organizer whether to form specialty judging groups for the IMP, or whether the judging groups evaluate all the dogs as- signed to them in all subjects.
- The entry to an International Münsterländer Test is to be submitted by the member country. The handler of a dog must always show a valid national hunting license. Upon submission of the test entry, the owner and handler accept the stipulations of these test regulations. Prior to the beginning of the test, the handler must submit the pedigree and the vaccination records to the Test Director – with documentation that all legally required and effective vaccines have been given – as well a certificate of insurance (liability insurance). Noncompliance with these requirements will result in the dog not being allowed to run and the forfeiture of the entry fee. The dog must have insurance and a chip number.
- The KlM-I Form IMP-1 shall be used for registration of the dog. The information on the entry form must agree with the dog’s pedigree. A copy of the pedigree, as well as copies of all previous test scores, must be attached to the entry form.
- When making the entry, the handler must indicate on the form whether the dog will be handled on an overnight or day track. It should also be indicated whether the work with the fox or with other predators should be tested (elective subject). If work is allowed on the fox in the country where the IMP takes place, the handler must work with a fox. A test with other predators is then not allowed.
3. Organizational Guidelines
- A handler may not handle more than two dogs at an IMP.
- Bitches in heat are only allowed to participate with the express permission of the Test Director. Handlers with dogs in heat are required to inform the Test Director and the judges of their group that their dog is in heat before beginning the test. Test Directors, judges and handlers must ensure that the work of other participating dogs is not affected by the presence of a bitch in heat.
- Handlers are not permitted to handle dogs with training equipment (for example training collars or dummy training collars).
- All persons participating in the test must follow the instructions of the Test Director, judges and marshals. They must not interfere with the handlers and their dogs at work and must not interfere with the judges’ proper testing of the dogs.
- Dogs not called to work must be kept on a leash. Whining or other noisy dogs should be kept out of earshot of the working dogs. The handlers themselves are responsible for being ready to work with their dogs when called.
- During a dog’s work, spectators must stay far enough behind the handler and the judges that the dog’s work is not disturbed.
- Dogs that fail in one or more test subjects are to be tested in the interest o fbreeding. The special regulations for water work are to be observed.
- The independent search test with fox or other predators is an elective subject. If the dog handler has registered his dog for this, it becomes a compulsory subject. If a dog does not bring the fox or the predator, he cannot pass the test.
4. Execution of the Test
- In those member countries, in which work on a live duck during the test is not allowed, this task shall be replaced by a comparable activity during hunting or through participation in an equivalent test in another country. Confirmation of this is to be submitted to KlM-I.
- The regulations of the International Münsterländer Test contain “must” (Muss) subjects and “should” (Soll) subjects. This is to ensure that in all member countries an International Münsterländer test can at least be conducted with the “must” subjects. The “Must” requirements, including those in their negative form – i.e. “Must Not” – must be adhered to unconditionally and in detail during test procedures and also with regard to all other provisions of the test regulations.
A dog that does not meet a “Must” requirement has to be scored “deficient” (0 points) in the respective subject.
Non-compliance with a “Should” requirement in the dog’s performance results in the proportionate lowering of the test result.
5. Tasks of the international judges – the evaluation system
- The most demanding task of the judges is to evaluate the breeding potential of the dogs and to highlight those dogs, which are especially valuable for breeding and strengthening the breed profile. The variations IMP (A) and IMP (B) differ from each other in that with the IMP (B) the natural abilities are recognizable in the evaluations. With the IMP (A) these natural abilities must be more fully developed, thereby making the breeding potential more readily recognizable in the dog’s performance.
- The breeding potential of the dogs, especially of the younger dogs, is not stable in the same way in every single subject. If a dog exhibits different natural abilities or performance on different occasions, the final evaluation in one subject must take into account the overall impression referred to in paragraph 1, sentence 2. This applies in a special way to the subject group of “general characteristics”.
- The 12-point system of evaluation is to be used in assessing natural abilities and performance in the individual work subjects. This system of evaluation enables a better differentiation of the work shown, especially in highlighting natural abilities. The tried and tested 5-point system of evaluation serves here as a foundation, in order to correctly recognize the respective predicate in a first step (“out- standing”, “very good”, “good”, “satisfactory”, “deficient”). Only when the group of judges has determined the predicate, does the group of judges fix the corresponding point total within the predicate. This means, judges think and speak first in predicates and then judge with point totals! Faulty performance in the test subjects regularly reduce the evaluation by an entire predicate.
- The predicate “outstanding”, 12 points, has special meaning for breeding. It makes it possible to highlight unusually high hereditary breeding potential. It may thus only be used in the evaluation of natural abilities. With the IMP A these subjects are: “blood tracking”, “duck search”, “use of nose”, “search”, “search in pairs”, “pointing”, as well as “hunting intelligence and passion”. For the IMP B, this applies to the equivalent subjects. For the valuation “outstanding”, additional work in the relevant subject with at least “very good” should be demonstrated as confirmation, or an exceptional difficulty should have been overcome.
- In order to pass the IMP (A) and the IMP (B), at least the predicate “satisfactory”, 3 points, must have been attained in each of the testing subjects – except for the subject down stay and heeling off leash in the group “Obedience” of the IMP(A).
- The various predicates correspond to the following point values:
“outstanding” 12 points
“very good” 11 points
10 points
9 points
“good” 8 points
7 points
6 points
“satisfactory” 5 points
4 points
3 points
“deficient” 2 points
1 point
0 points
“not tested” –(dash)
- Overview of theTestSubjects Multiplier
- Forest subjects
- Blood track –overnight track 6
- Blood track –daytrack 4
- Searching and retrieving of shot furredsmallgame 3
- Furred smallgameretrieve 2
- Free search for fox / predator(elective subject) 3
- Retrieve of fox / predator(elective subject) 2
- Independentforestsearch 4
- Densecover search 3
- Watersubjects
- Gun sensitivity (is not evaluated with ascore)
- Blind retriever fromdense cover 3
- Independent duck search indensecover 4
- Duckretrieve 2
- Fieldsubjects
- Useof nose 6
- Search 4
- Searchin pairs 4
- Pointing 4
- Manners behind gameand relocating 3
- Free search and retrieving offeatheredgame 3
- Retrieving offeatheredgame 2
- Obediencesubjects
- Obedience during adriven hunt 2
- Heelingon leash 1
- Heelingoffleash 2
- Downstay 2
- Steadiness to furred small game andto wing 2
- Steadinesstoshot 2
- Generalcharacteristics
- Hunting intelligenceanddesire 4
- Teamwork 4
- Character 4
- Regulations for the individual testsubjects
- Forestwork
Work in the forest places high demands on the dog’s ability to concentrate and perform. The dog can be scarcely observed in the forest and must therefore work independently with great care and dependability. Dogs which do not want to share their prey with the hunter can be used in only a limited way during a hunt and do not meet the goal of a versatile hunting dog, which can work in a variety of hunting situations.
1.1 Bloodtracking
- Generalregulations
- For work on artificial blood tracks the best terrain is mature forest with under- growth. Blood without smell of decay and from red deer, roe deer or wildboar must be used for the
- The blood tracks will be layed as overnight tracks or day tracks. Standing time is at least 14 to approx. 24 hours overnight for tests with an overnight track, at least 2 to approx. 5 hours for tests with a day
- The blood track, which may only be layed from the starting point to the piece of game, can be layed by foot, dabbed or squirted, with approximately 1/3 liter of blood used for 600 steps. The blood tracks are to be layed downwind and at a distance of about 120 steps from each other. In the course of the 600- step track, two obtuse-angles should be inserted. After about 200 paces, a wound bed should be placed at the angle, where the ground should beslightly blocked and marked by means of a broken twig squirted with plenty of blood. At the beginning of each track, to avoid confusion, a notice should be marked with the number .., layed at .. o’clock, length … steps. For pure leash work there is a time limit of 45
- At the end of the blood track a carcass from hoofed game will be placed. This carcass is to be squirted with the blood used to lay the track, so that the dog identifies it as “my prey”. Openings in the carcass are to be carefully stitched up.
- It is extremely important that the blood track actually ends where the game has been placed and that the instrument used to lay the blood track iscare- fully carried away. While laying the artificial blood track and placing the car- cass, a judge must be present. The direction of the track, the angle and the wound beds are to be marked in such a way that only the judges cancheck
whether the dog is working correctly. They may not be used by the handler as an aid.
- The assistants assigned to carry the carcass are to go into cover at a distance from the game (about 50 paces) that they can neither be heard nor scented by the dog and handler. Three performance judges accompany the dog in its work on the
- Execution of the blood trackingwork
- For the on-leash work the dog shall lead its handler to the game on a leash at least 7 meters long and completely unwound. The dog shall work concen- trated and calmly on-leash and not follow the track in a frantic
- If the dog loses the track, but finds it again by casting, this is not considereda fault. Faults are: constantly loose tracking leash, little interest by the dog in the track or if the dog has to be continually prompted to work further, nervous haste, departing from the track, looking around by the handler for markings and attempts to “steer” the dog, as well as a leash not fully unwound and ex- tended.
- During the on-leash work, the dog may be called off twice by the judging group in order to put it back on the track again. The judging group mustrecall the team, if the dog has noticeably lost the track, i.e. at the latest after it has deviated from the track by about 80 meters. Each call-back is considered a fault.
- Every dog is entitled to a new track, i.e. a track that has not been worked by another dog. If a dog fails a blood track, then this track cannot be assigned to another dog, not even with
1.2 Searching and retrieving shot furred small game / fox /predators
1.2.1 Only those dogs shall be tested which did not have the opportunity to retrieveun- sighted furred game during thetest.
- For the search and retrieval test, the furred small game / fox / predator shall be thrown into an area with cover. This may not be observed by the dog and han- dler.
The foxes or predators used in the test must have a minimum weight of 3.5 kg and be natural (full length tail, without head permissible). Previously gutted foxes or predators are not permissible.
The dog is to be leashed at a distance of at least 40 paces from the thrown game, and the handler is to stay there too.
The placement points of the game, which is to be found, must be at least 100 paces from each other.
The handler will be shown the approximate direction in which the game is tobe sought. In accordance with hunting practice, the dog shall be directed in the di- rection of the presumed placement point of the game against thewind.
1.2.3 In the free search and retrieval the dog should not race around, but shouldsearch the cover in a controlled fashion by taking advantage of the wind and with use of its nose, demonstrating that it wants to find thegame.
1.2.4 A time period of 10 minutes shall be given for finding and retrieving the game, during which the dog may be sent into the cover several times. Continuous influ- ence by the handler lowers thepredicate.
1.3 Retrieving furred small game or featheredgame
1.3.1 A dog which fails to independently (without influence by the handler, if thedog works incorrectly) retrieve captured, freshly shot or placed furred small game upon finding it for the first time, shall receive the predicate“deficient”.
- Dogs which bury or eat the game will also receive the predicate„deficient“.
1.3.3 Retrieving is the manner of picking up, carrying and delivering of all kinds of furred small game and feathered game at the test, during free searching orre- trieving and during actual hunting which occasionally occurs at thetest.
1.3.4 The dog shall pick up all shot and placed game without delay, bring it quicklyand joyfully and deliver it by sitting next to itshandler.
1.3.5 Correct retrieval is understood to mean that the dog – according to the type and weight of the game – properly grasps the game and brings it to the handler. If the dog briefly drops the retrieved game, in order to intentionally improve its grip and without raising its head, this is not to be considered afault.
1.3.6 Hard-mouth is considered a fault. Dogs which heavily mouth or pluck receive the predicate“deficient”.
1.4 Independentsearch
1.4.1 For the independent search the dog assumes the role of beaters. Upon com- mand, the dog shall enthusiastically enter cover and search it systematicallyand
completely. It should drive out all game and bring it before the gunners without hunting far beyond the cover being searched. The dog should also make an effort to maintain contact with its handler. The length of the test shall be about 10 minutes.
1.4.2 For the independent search, woodlots and thickets with a sufficient amount of game shall be chosen. An area already searched by another participantshould not be used again on the same day, ifpossible.
1.4.3 The handler shall send the dog out on the independent search from theiras- signed position. After multiple starts, the position can also bechanged.
- During the independent search it should be noted if the dog gives „laut“on
game or remains silent. A dog which hunts silently can only receive the predicate “good”. Dogs which bark without the presence of game can only receive the pred- icate “deficient” (0 points).
1.4.5 If the dog captures game during the independent search and brings it to itshan- dler, this does not affect the score in the independentsearch.
1.4.6 An incomplete search, repeatedly leaving the area of cover, inadequate reaction to the directional commands of the dog’s handler, wild chasing far beyondnormal driven hunting and remaining on point for a long time during the search are defi- cient. If a dog remains on point for a long time during the search, it is to be given another chance to do the independentsearch.
- Dense coversearch
1.5.1 Dogs will be tested in young stands of forests with undergrowth, in clear cuts orin brushyareas.
1.5.2 The dog should constantly work within shooting range of its handler, systemati- cally search the area, point game, remain steady before flushed game, or allow itself to be called off and not wildly chase, as well as bring shot game on com- mand. Important is continual contact with the handler and good control of thedog.
1.5.3 During the dog’s search the handler is to shoot upon command of the judgessev- eral times, during which the dog should remaincalm.
1.5.4 Deficient are these behaviors: a search that is too broad and wild, insufficient de- sire, overrunning game, chasing, not pointing game and unsatisfactory coopera- tion between dog and handler, disobedience after theshot.
- Water work
Work in the water requires toughness, the desire to find game and the ability to retrieve. Without work on a wounded, live duck, the ability of a dog for humane and successful waterfowl hunting can only be partially evaluated. As this test subject is not allowed in all states, another alternative is to separately evaluate work behind a wounded, living duck, during an actual hunt.
The test water must be sufficiently large (at least 0.25 ha surface area), wide (at least6 m in some spots) and deep (forcing the dogs to swim) and have sufficient cover (about 500 square meters), so that the duck can fully utilize its capability to getaway.
For every test, KlM-International designates one person, who is responsible as theSen- ior Judge at the water. This individual advises the judging group, so that the water work can be evaluated as uniformly aspossible.
The test on a living duck may be conducted only after the dog has passed the gun sen- sitivity test and demonstrated reliable blind searching and retrieving a dead duck from dense cover.
If live ducks are planted, then only one duck will always be used for each dog. The use of another duck is only permissible, if the dog could not be tested on the planted duck (e.g. the duck flushes prematurely). If the dog finds a live duck by accident during the entire water work segment, then the performance is to be evaluated for this part of the test.
2.1 Gunsensitivity
2.1.1 A shot duck is thrown as far as possible into the open water while the dog is watching, and the dog is commanded to retrieve. A dog that fails to enter thewa- ter within approximately 1 minute after the first command may not continue the test at thewater.
2.1.2 While the dog swims toward the duck, a round from a shotgun must be firedinto the water. The dog must retrieve the duck independently. (see1.3)
2.1.3 A dog that fails this test may no longer be tested at thewater.
2.2 Blind retrieve from densecover
2.2.1 The blind retrieve from dense cover is tested immediately following the gunsensi- tivitytest.
2.2.2 For this, a freshly-killed dead duck is thrown into deep water in such a manner that neither the fall nor the duck can be seen by the dog. The duck must be placed in such a location (e.g. an island, opposite shore) that the dog must be sent across open water to reach thecover.
2.2.3 The handler is shown a spot at least 30 m from the location of the duck and is shown the approximate direction where the duck lies. The dog should search for the duck independently from this spot. The dog must find it and retrieve it inde- pendently to the handler (see 1.3). A duck which is seen is consideredfound.
2.2.4 The handler may support and direct the dog, although constant influencing ora shot/stone throw reduces thepredicate.
2.2.5 A dog which does not receive at least a predicate of „satisfactory“ in this subject, may not be tested further on thewater.
2.3 Independent duck search in densecover
2.3.1 The judges lead the handler to a point which is at a distance of at least oneshot- gun shot away from a duck in cover and indicate the direction of the duck. Then the handler commands the dog to search for theduck.
2.3.2 The dog should search for, find and flush the duck. The handler may direct and help the dog during the work, but constant influencing lowers thepredicate.
- As soon as the dog drives the duck from cover and chases by sight, the duck should be shot by the handler or another authorized person, if this ispossible without creating a safety
2.3.4 The shot and captured duck must be retrieved by the dogindependently.
2.3.5 The judges should conclude the dog’s work as soon as they have reached a final judgment. This also applies to situations in which the duck was not shot in front of the dog or the judges have the impression that the dog has not met the require- ments. If the duck was not shot during the search, then a dead duck shall be thrown into the water within sight of the dog about 30 meters away. The dog must retrieve the duck independently (without influence of the handler, if the dog works incorrectly).
2.3.6 A dog which fails to retrieve a duck upon finding it for the first time – whether shot, captured or visibly thrown – cannot pass the test. A duck which was been sensed by the dog is consideredfound.
2.4 Duckretrieve
The dog must retrieve every duck which it has found.
- Performance of the retrieve is to be judged according to the rules in point3.
- If the dog drops the duck which it has been brought on land, perhaps to shake it- self off, the maximum score can only be “good”. If the dog improves its hold with- out shaking off, the score may not be reduced. Likewise, it is not a fault if the dog shakes itself off while firmly holding the duck in its
2.4.3 In scoring the dog, all retrieving done by the dog during the water work will be considered. If a single task is scored “0 points” or “not tested”, the total score for the duck retrieve can only be “0 points” or “nottested”.
- Fieldwork
The test in the field has the goal of evaluating usefulness during a field hunt. The dog’s behavior before and after the shot is judged. Before the shot, the dog must search and point, in order to make shot at feathered or furred game possible. After the shot, the dog must search for and retrieve the shot or wounded game.
For the field work, hunting grounds with a good amount of small game should be chosen to guarantee testing of the dogs which is thorough and similar to actual hunting. The field must be open, so that the judges can observe the work of the dog well, and large enough – if necessary – to allow several handlers and their dogs to search a field in a driven hunt. (Minimal width about 300 meters, depth about 200meters)
3.1 Use ofnose
Signs of the good use of nose during the search are, among other things, taking good advantage of the wind, quick and frequent finding of game, occasional marking of bird scent, rapid pinning of birds while relocating, scenting of game from far away.
- Search
3.2.1 In the evaluation of the search, the main emphasis is on the dog’s will to find game and also how systematic the search is. The dog should show enjoyment in its work and passion. The search should be conducted in a manner similar to hunting and adjusted to the terrain and not continually exceed a distance of about 100 paces to the handler. If the dog still works for its handler at greater distances, giving the handler an opportunity to shoot through its steadiness on point, this should be scored especiallyfavorably.
3.2.2 It should be noted how the dog allows itself to be handled during its work and whether it follows the commands heard from its handler. In this case too, cooper- ation means that the dog works for the success of its handler free of too much in- fluencing and independently, for the mostpart.
The dog should not pursue game it has found but bring his handler to make a shot. The game can be shot by the dog handler or a person commissioned by the organizer, as far as the relevant regulations permit. The organizer determines in advance who shoots.
3.2.3 The dog should not chase game which it has found but enable its handler to get a shot. The game can be shot insofar as the relevant regulations allowthis.
3.3 Field search inpairs
A search of about 10 minutes with two dogs at the same time (search in pairs without shot) is to be completed. The dogs should demonstrate an effective search for small game in a hunting-like manner. The handlers should be 20 paces from each at the most and proceed slowly. The search must be suited to the ter- rain, systematic and thorough. The dogs should not cross at a distance longer than about 40 paces before their handlers, allow themselves to be handled with- out loud commands and not bother each other during the search or while on point. Honoring the other dog‘s point is highlyregarded.
After every point (whether successful or not), both dogs are to be leashed and un- leashed once again at the instruction of the judges. In the process, the handlers must change sides.
In particular, faults are frequent chasing and interfering, aggressive behavior to- ward the dog’s brace mate, unsatisfactory obedience, inadequate search as well as numerous loud commands and frequent whistling by the handler. The dogs should be able to be stopped on game.
- Pointing
First-rate pointing is demonstrated if the dog calmly points – standing or lying – tightly sitting game until its handler has approached in a relaxed pace and can shoot without rushing.
3.5 Manners behind game andrelocating
3.5.1 Good manners are demonstrated in the dog’s tense but elegant movementsand the expressive bearing of its head, body and legs, as soon as it scentsgame.
3.5.2 The dog should relocate, if it encounters a fresh bird track or if feathered game runs ahead of him during its search. The dog should demonstrate that it knows exactly how to produce game for the gun of its handler by calmly relocating and finally pinning the bird or by purposefully circling around thebird.
3.6 Free search and retrieving shot game birds
For this, number 1.2 is to be applied in the field. Going with the dog reduces the predi- cate.
- Obedience
Without obedience during the hunt, the dog will only become a burden and distract the hunter too much. This will often damage the success of the hunt and substantially re- duce the suitability of the dog as a versatile hunting companion. Excellent performance in the obedience subjects receives 10 points. In addition, one cannot hunt humanely with an undisciplined dog. Numerous or serious reductions in the predicates in the obe- dience subjects are also to be taken into account in the subject “team work”.
4.1 Obedience during the drivenhunt
4.1.1 During the driven hunt, which is to be conducted in a humane and principled fash- ion, the dog is to remain calm next to its handler, free or leashed, lying down or sitting.
4.1.2 There is no impact on the evaluation, if the dog lies or sits, as long as itmaintains the position originally given it during the driven hunt. If a dog is leashed, this will reduce the score by at least one predicate – assuming otherwise error-free be- havior.
4.1.3 At the request of the judge’s group, each handler or a person authorized bythe organizer must shoot immediately. During the course of the driven hunt, each handler is to fire a shot at least twice. If a handler delays firing after being re- quested to do so by the judges, this is considered afault.
4.1.4 Deficient is: whining, barking, pulling on the leash, moving from its place and re- peated reprimands by its handler. Barking and constant whining are to bescored “deficient”. If an unleashed dog jumps into the driven hunt, the performance is to be scored “0points”.
4.2 Heeling onLeash
4.2.1 The leashed dog should follow its handler through dense forests (pole timber) or young saplings without tangling the leash and hindering the progress of thehan- dler. The handler must repeatedly pass closely by individual trees and stop at least once.
4.2.2 Every tangling of the dog with the leash, and every pulling at the leash by thedog lowers the predicate for thisperformance.
- The judge’s observations in all subjects and during the entire test about thedog’s behavior while on leash must be used in the evaluation of the dog’s performance in this
4.3 Heeling off leash and downstay
The subjects „heeling off leash“ and „down stay” should be tested in a single step.
4.3.1 Heeling off leash should be tested on a forest road or stalking trail, so that the un- leashed dog closely follows behind or to the side of the handler’s heel without loudcommands.
4.3.2 In doing this, the handler should walk a distance of at least 80 paces at varying speeds and come to a stop several times, upon which the dog should stop imme- diately too. Dog and handler should demonstrate behavior typical of a hunt in walking thetrail.
4.3.3 After completing the walk, the dog is placed in a down position, either free ornext to an object (e.g. a rucksack, jacket, etc.). While doing this, the handler lets the dog know by a hand signal or soft command that it should remain quietly in this position. Everything should take place with utmostsilence.
4.3.4 Thereafter, the handler walks away as if stalking and moves to a spot assigned by the judges earlier, where the dog can neither see nor sense the handler (a minimum of 30 meters). In doing this, the handler should not turn around to check on the dog or call to it. The handler or an authorized person authorized should wait at this position for at least one minute and then fire two shots from a shotgun in intervals of 10 seconds Then, the handler should wait at least another minute, before returning to thedog.
4.3.5 The dog must thereby remain at its place until it is picked up fromthere.
4.3.6 It should not whine or bark. If it leaves its place, then this performance is tobe scored “deficient”.
4.4 Steadiness to wing and spotted furredgame
The dog should not chase fleeing or flushed game throughout the entire test. The dog must always stop by a call or whistle from its handler. If a dog chases small game more than two times and cannot be stopped by voice or whistle, its perfor- mance shall be scored “deficient”.
- Steadiness toshot
Steadiness to shot can only be tested on flushing or fleeing game, which the dog has seen. Steadiness to shot is to be scored “very good”, if the dog does not chase in the direction of fleeing or flushed game after the shot. The handler should not in- fluence the dog.
- Generalcharacteristics
Hunting intelligence, team work and character are the decisive fundamentals for a successful hunt with a dog. These qualities should be observed during the entire test and scored separately in summary as test subjects.
5.1 Hunting intelligence anddesire
Hunting intelligence is reflected in those subjects in which the dog must work inde- pendently and without influence of its handler (among other things, the independent search in forest and water, search, free blind retrieve in the field, forest, and water). Determination, use of nose, the ability to evaluate actual experiences like checking typical areas of cover, purposefully making use of the wind, reaction when game is lost, endurance and tenacity as well as independence are the most important crite- ria. Frequently finding game is an important sign.
The desire of the dog can be seen especially in the water work and the tenacity in the work on scented and tracked, but unseen game. The dog learns very quickly, if it has good hunting intelligence.
5.2 Team work
This characteristic shows itself in the course of the entire test. The dog must follow commands during its work, behave calmly while other dogs are working and not disturb them by whining, howling or pulling on the leash. The dog should focus on the handler, always seek eye contact to the handler and noticeably want to work for success before and after the shot. Noticeable problems with obedience as well as significant instances of stubbornness or very strong distractions by game must be considered in reducing the scores.
5.3 Character
The character of the dog is mirrored primarily in its behavior. It should be noticeably quick to learn, react stably to correction by its handler, show attentiveness and strong nerves. Calmness and balance are paramount. Dogs of strong character must have a strong prey drive. Restless, nervous, over-passionate or aggressive dogs cannot receive the predicate “very good”.
- ProtestRegulations
Only the handler of a dog running in the test in question is entitled to the right of ap- peal. The time limit for appeals begins with the call to the dogs to the test and ends half an hour after the end of the awards ceremony. The appeal is to be lodged in writing in a simple form by naming the reason for the appeal and paying 50 € at the same time. This fee will be refunded if the objection is upheld; otherwise the €50 will be forfeited to the organizer. The organizer decides on the appeal, unless the affected group of judges has made use of the possibility to find acorrection.
(As of September 25, 2016)
- International PerformanceJudges
- Requirements for the appointment to be an internationaljudge:
- Recommendation by a KlM-I member country or by the GroßeMünsterlän- derClub
- At least 5 years of experience as a national performance judge,including annual judging in the subjects forest, field andwater
- Active pointing doghandler
- Successful participation at anIMP
- Appointment by the KlM-I executiveboard
- The KlM-I executive board decides on the appointment to be aninternational performance
- Judging groups at international tests should be made up of threeinternational judges – if possible from three different
- Deviations from these rules require the agreement of the KlM-Iexecutive board.
(As of September 25, 2016)