News from North America – Please take note!

News from North America

+++ News from North America – Please note! +++

In 2011 SMCNA (Small Munsterlander Club of North America) decided to become a Landesgruppe (chapter) of the Verband für Kleine Münsterländer Vorstehhunde e.V.  This letter of intent was then withdrawn in 2012 by the new SMCNA board. After years of negotiations, the Verband für Kleine Münsterländer Vorstehhunde e.V. declared cooperation with SMCNA to be over in the autumn of 2013. In addition, KlM-International has terminated the membership of SMCNA as of 31.12.2014. You can read more about this in KlM Magazine issue 3/2014 in the greeting by President Dietrich Berning.

A short time later, a small circle of KlM handlers met in Hugo, Minnesota, during a JGHV test and decided to establish a new club and legal entity, KlM-GNA (Kleine Münsterländer -Group North America). The declared aim of this new group is to become a part of KlM Germany as a new Landesgruppe. The foundation for establishing a new chapter of the German parent club was laid during discussions at the Annual General Meeting in Fulda in March 2014. At the Annual General Meeting, it was decided that in the future only this KlM group would be supported in North America.

This development has far-reaching consequences for both Germany and North America.

  1. The use of stud dogs and semen export is now possible in North America exclusively with KlM-GNA. If stud dogs / semen are used in other organizations, this is a violation of the KlM breeding regulations.
  2. Appeal to all breeders: Please support only KlM-GNA with puppies. Puppies sold to other organizations go to a dissident club and are not admitted to JGHV tests.
  3. The use of the German breed and JGHV performance judges with Kleine Münsterländer is now possible in North America only with KlM-GNA.
  4. Dual memberships with KlM-Germany and SMCNA are no longer possible. 

Jacqueline Mette